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A Day Worthwhile

When I opened my P. O. Box the day after Christmas, I was delighted to find an envelope from Francis. It contained a copy of the poem, A Day Worthwhile. 

This poem revitalizes my desire to be of service to others whenever I can and it reminds me that each day I do good for another is a day wisely spent. In this new year, I plan on making all my days worthwhile. Thank you, Francis for this special gift!


A Day Worthwhile

I count that day as wisely spent

In which I do some good

For someone who is far away

Or shares my neighborhood.


A day devoted to the deed

That lends a helping hand

And demonstrates a willingness

To care and understand.


I long to be of usefulness

In little ways and large

Without a selfish motive

And without the slightest charge.


Because in my philosophy

There never is a doubt

That all of us here on earth

Must help each other out.

I feel that day is fruitful

And the time is worth the while

When I promote the happiness

Of one enduring smile.

– Author unknown





National Vision Board Day

This inspired me to get busy preparing a vision board for the coming year.

It just so happens that National Vision Board Day is the second Saturday in January. That date – January 13 this year – is already circled on the calendar.

I’ll pour a cup of hot tea, put on a favorite play list, gather a poster board, magazines, colored markers, scissors, glue sticks and have fun as I map out my next adventures. It’s a great exercise to help focus on what I want to have or experience in my life. The board will sit in clear view where it can be seen every day so I don’t lose sight of the things I want.

This year, I’m gonna dream BIG! Who’s with me?

Let There Be Peace On Earth

This song reminds me that I can do my part to create a peaceful world by being at peace within myself. I’ll enjoy listening to this song while decorating my home and wrapping gifts. I hope you’ll make some time to enjoy it, too.



Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Knowing there are invisible helping hands available to guide me through this world gives me a sense of calm. When challenges arise, fear tries to take over and doubt causes me to second guess myself, prayer comes to the rescue. This prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe is one that that reassures me that the helping hands are there for me when I call on them.


Hail, O Virgin of Guadalupe. We place under your powerful patronage the purity and integrity of the Holy Faith in Mexico and in all the American continent, for we are certain that while you are recognized as Queen and Mother, America and Mexico and our matrimony will be saved. (one Hail Mary) Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mystical Rose, make intercession for the Holy Roman Church, protect the Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever-virgin Mary, and Mother of the True God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, of sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, of burning charity, and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen. (one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be in thanksgiving for Guadalupe)