Renew your brain with deep, restful sleep
We don’t need a PhD to tell us that a good night of deep, restful sleep enables us to wake up feeling happy, alert and clear headed. This month, I’m polishing up my bed time routine to ensure more deep, restful sleep by adding a few new things:
- Diffusing lavender essential oil in my bedroom about 30 minutes before bed
- Taking a page from the practice of Ayurveda, gently rubbing sesame oil (I use refined sesame oil which has little fragrance.) into the bottoms of my feet just as I get into bed. I’ll be sure to wear socks to keep the oil off of the sheets.
- Clearing my mind of the worries and the ever-present “to-do” list by taking a few deep breaths and slowly repeating the mantra “The day is done. It is time to rest.”
With these simple steps, my brain should have just what it needs to wash itself clean of toxins, repair itself and prepare for a new day of work, play and of course…time with friends!